Believe in Students
•All students are special in their own way and bring something unique to this world.
•Assist students to develop to their fullest potential by providing an area which is safe, supportive and invites a sharing
of idea.
•Install in them the 21st century competencies (respect, accept and embrace the difference between individuals)
Act as a
•Provide the students with tools needed to gain assess to knowledge/information rather than feeding them with the information itself
•Provide curriculum that grasp their interest and makes learning relevant in real life.
•incorporate opportunities for the students to discover and construct the knowledge gain (hands on activities, groupwork, integrated themes)
•Allow adequate times and space for them to use this material and let their curiosity led them to self-directed learning
promote respect and equalityP
•Children have greater respect for their people around
them and the environment when they feel safe and sure of what is expected of
• Setting fair and consistent rules at the beginning and
stating the importance of every activity, students are shown respect for their
presence and time.
•Using strategies such as class meetings and positive
discipline, to believe in themselves, and to love themselves
Idea of Student-Teacher
Building relationships
key to achievement for students from poverty is in creating relationships with
•Simply stated,
students want to be treated with respect.
•Offering positive
reinforcement, being consistent, smiling, and listening to their concerns all
help to gain students' trust and friendship.
Get to Know Your Students
• building up
goodwill; praise them.
•Find out their
interests. Initiate conversations with them.
•listen to what's on
their minds, they will begin to see that you're someone who is genuinely
interested in them
Protect their self esteem
•Adolescence have
insecurities; being criticized by a teacher in front of their peers humiliates
•handle discipline
issues without an audience; This allows for better, more genuine exchanges
Meaning of FCS to me
“…two or more persons who share resources, share
responsibility for decisions,share values and goals, and have commitment
to one another over time.”
•head, heart, and
•The heart is the
mission to improve quality of life, which reflects our passion, caring, and
compassion as professionals.
• Soul puts us in
touch with the “whys” of our being, that which inspires, motivates us, and
gives meaning to our work.
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